Friday, September 9, 2016

SolusVM installation steps

Please don't install and compile Mysql,PHP,APACHE manually on the node before installing SolumVM panel. (Mysql,PHP will get installed automatically during the SolumVM installation )

If any of these modules already exist on the server. The panel will not work properly. The PHP/Mysql may conflict/mess with the PHP and MYSQL installed by the panel during its installation time and will loose php.ini file.

So in a fresh server after setting up OVZ kernel, start install the panel directly (manual installation of apache/php and mysql is not recommended on the NODE.)

Steps used to install SolumVM in an openVZ node



* chmod 755 install

* ./install

Get a configuration window

Here choose '1' >>master privileged panel will be installed.

On next step also choose '1'>> to install the panel with privilege for doing virtualisation.


Access the panel from the url::http://server_IP:5353/admincp/login.php


Ref url:
Ref url:

Errors after trial installation.


*IF we manually install and compile the main modules ( apache/php and mysql), we will be facing the following errors.

When we access the solusvm url: http://ip:5353/admincp/login.php on the browser we will get an error

error:There seems to have been a slight problem with our database, please try again later

This usually occurs when the SolusVM MySQL installation conflict with an existing MySQL instance.

To fix this problem run the following on the node:

#yum remove mysql*

Now run the SolusVM installer again.

* After installation When try to create a new VPS via panel. We will get an ''connection error''.

Now please uninstall all phpmodules and mysql again then move the /usr/local/solusvm. Then try a fresh installation.


While trying to login http://Ip:5353/admin roll back to same login page
Issue is because solusvm is unable to create sessions. So you need to create directory:"sessions" under /usr/local/solusvm/ with user and group solusvm
[root@test /]# cd /usr/local/solusvm/
[root@test solusvm]# mkdir sessions
[root@test solusvm]#chown solusvm:solusvm sessions

If you are getting acl error "Error:You don't have permission to perform this action"
This issue may because of missing solusvm db tables. Issue commonly occurs in 64 bit os. A solusvm database from a successfull installation contains following tables

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_SolusVMmrd1GI |
| adminacl                |
| administrators          |
| adminlog                |
| adminnotes              |
| adminwhitelist          |
| api                     |
| apilog                  |
| authenticationlog       |
| backupservers           |
| bandwidthstatistics     |
| buycpanel               |
| centralbackup           |
| clientapi               |
| clientlog               |
| clients                 |
| configuration           |
| crontab                 |
| customemailtemplates    |
| dnsplans                |
| dnsservergroups         |
| dnsservers              |
| emailtemplates          |
| ftpservers              |
| hvmtemplates            |
| internalips             |
| ipaddresses             |
| ipblocknodes            |
| ipblocks                |
| ipv6                    |
| isos                    |
| keymaps                 |
| kvmdata                 |
| license                 |
| links                   |
| mediagroups             |
| nodegroups              |
| nodes                   |
| pdns                    |
| plans                   |
| s_bandwidth             |
| smslog                  |
| syscheck                |
| systemmessages          |
| templates               |
| version                 |
| vservers                |
| vzdata                  |
| xendata                 |

If some of these tables are not there then you need to perform installation again. For that remove all mysql & php packes from previous installations:

check for mysql packages using rpm -qa | grep mysql and using " yum remove " remove all those packages. Do the same for php too.
After that remove /var/lib/mysql directory and /root/.my.cnf file

Once this is done start installation using legacy solusvm installer because latest installer may not work on few centos releases. For the legacy (old one)  instaler to work, you need /lib/ This is provided by glibc 32 bit rpm installed. If server is 64 bit and that package was not installed then check for a line "exclude=*.i?86" in /etc/yum.conf and comment it so that 32 bit rpm can be installed. Once this is done issue command " yum install glibc "

After this do a fresh installation with legacy installer version 1 and issue should be fixed.

1 comment:

  1. I found this on a google search so I am posting another answer to help others. First this post is old and the tables above are not current. There are a lot more tables now.

    Follow the instructions here first

    If you get the "Error:You don't have permission to perform this action" what I found is since I had logged in before updating the database I had to first log out and login with the username and password from the old database since that is what I had updated the database to. Then everything worked except I had to update the license of course since I had changed ip addresses.

    For great web hosting service be sure to check out
